1/35 J.G.S.D.F. OVM set with decal [35-L37]
1/35 J.G.S.D.F. OVM set with decal

Our Selling Price: JPY600
packing cost is charged.
Item Description
1/35 J.G.S.D.F. OVM set with decal
Carrying can, Various water cans, Grease cans, Oil can,10t jack, Various crowbars ,Oil drum wrench ,Pinch ,10 pound hammer ,Pickaxe ,Ax ,Butterfly screw ,Towing wire tip
Carrying can, Various water cans, Grease cans, Oil can,10t jack, Various crowbars ,Oil drum wrench ,Pinch ,10 pound hammer ,Pickaxe ,Ax ,Butterfly screw ,Towing wire tip
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